Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Motorolla, Asus, and Acer will migrate to Android 3.1 soon

Google introduced the Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) updates on the developer conference I/O in San Fransisco last week. On the event, the first vendor that will support the new Android update is Motorolla Xoom. The first release will be available on Market in June.

The two other leading computer manufacturers, Asus and Acer, has also confirmed their plans to implement the new Android 3.1 on their tablet operating system. The products will also be available on next June. Most of vendors will move quickly to adopt the new platform if they want to exist on the market competition.

Asus has announced its plans to update the Android 3.1 in Asus EeePad Transformer, and also Acer will update the OS to the Acer Iconia 500 tablet.

The user could resize the widgets horizontally or vertically on the new Android 3.1 so that it can display more features.

Additionally, Android 3.1 also improved the interface so that users can perform more multi-tasking functions. Google has done the demo to open 18 applications at the same time on the conference I/O.

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