Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to change Blogger or Blogspot icon

Blogger always gives you a default icon for your new blog.
But you can change this icon for your blog by modifying your blogger template.

You can change the default icon with your favorite icon by adding some codes in the blogger template.
Below are the steps to change the default blogger icon with your icon:
  1. Go to Design tab, and click on Edit Html.
  2. You will see the HTML code for your current blogger template.
  3. Find the code:
  4. Append two lines of code below after the code above:
    <link href='ICON URL' rel='shortcut icon'/>
    <link href='ICON URL' rel='icon'/>
  5. Click on Save Template button to save the changes.
Change the ICON URL with your favorite icon URL.
Check the changes by viewing your blog.

The blog icon should be changed now with the new icon.

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