Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Windows 8 will soon release in 2012

Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, has confirmed at Microsoft Developer Forum in Japan about the company plans to release Windows 8 in 2012.

The new operating system will have a lot of new features comparing with the current Windows 7. The main focus on Windows 8 is adaptability and modularity - to enable the operating system to run on any devices such as PCs, tables, smartphone, or any different form factors.

The Windows 8 will not only able to run on Intel base processor, but also on ARM processor to enable running on any smartphones and tablet devices. These low-power, low cost processors are perfect for these types of devices. All this has come about because computing power has reached a level where these low-power components can power a device through 90% of the everyday tasks users will want to do.

The new operating system will be equipped with Internet Explorer 10, Bing Search Engine, and Bing Maps. It will also have Skype as the messenger application. This will enable users to have video calls from any devices powered with Windows 8.

Some PCs vendors confirmed that they have prepared their product road-map next year to have Windows 8 on their desktops, notebooks, smartphones, and tablets.

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