Saturday, May 7, 2011

Browser War: IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera

There are a lot of browser in the world that compete each other to get the first place in the users mind. Faster and secure are two features that mostly offered by the browsers. Another feature are easy to use and good looking.

There are 5 top browsers that are widely used today:
  1. Internet Explorer. The browser that is developed by Microsoft and integrated with Microsoft Windows, and widely used by the users worldwide. The latest version is Internet Explorer 9.0.
  2. Firefox. The browser is developed by Mozilla, and the next generation of Netscape. The latest version is Firefox 4.0.
  3. Safari. The browser is developed by Apple, and integrated with Apple's product such as iMac, iPad, iPod, and iPhone.
  4. Chrome. The browser is developed by Google, and integrated with Android operating system.
  5. Opera. The independent browser that is developed in many operating system such as Windows, Android, iOS, Blackberry, and Android. The latest version is Opera 11.

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