Thursday, May 26, 2011

Facebook will have music application, television program, and ebook

On G-8 forum in Paris, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO said that Facebook will have music application, television program, and ebook that will be new products and will enrich the Facebook in the future.

The new features will take the shape of a widget or tab on the user’s profile page. It will display the songs a user listens to the most and provide a method for friends to listen to and share those songs. Facebook will do the same thing for video and television content. It could turn Facebook into the web’s central hub for multimedia content. Media content and recommendations could give Facebook a new engagement layer that would compel its users to stay on the site for longer.

Mark explained that this multimedia experience maybe will follow the game application on the Facebook that already established now. On the moment, Facebook is doing some talks to integrate all of the application on one platform, their Facebook.

“I hope that we can apply these features on Facebook with our new subsidiary company. Later, this company will create interesting content and Facebook will make Facebook can be more socialized,” said Zuckerberg.

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