Saturday, May 21, 2011

Microsoft Bing join Facebook for Search Social

Microsoft joined Facebook to offer users search personalized results based on the friends opinion. The new social features has been available since Monday (16 May 2011), all content and sites that their Facebook friends “like” will be displayed on the results page.


Bing aims to help people make better decisions by marrying fact-based search results with the opinions of trusted friends. That means they’ll be able to make decisions not just with facts but with the opinions of their friends. With almost any task on Bing, if your friends can help you out Bing bring them right there with you.

The announcement marks a new chapter for search, which for more than a decade has been driven largely by facts and links. But that meant there were few opportunities to incorporate the single most important resource people turn to when they try and make a decision – their friends. So many decisions are made not just by ourselves but with our friends, and now we’re able to bring that into the search experience. Bing’s new features will change the way people make decisions online.

The explosion of social media has made it easier for people to more finely tune their decisions by connecting with people they know and trust and seeking their opinion. By bridging the gap between search and social, Bing could potentially help people make smarter decisions faster. Bing’s new features are a first step in what likely will be a continuous series of enhancements to help you make better decisions when you search.

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