Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mozilla Firefox 5 New Features and Improvements

Mozilla Firefox 5 that has been released on Monday, 21 June 2011 has so many features and improvements to the previous Firefox 4.

Mozilla Firefox 5 includes more than 1,000 improvements and performance enhancements that make it easier to discover and use all of the innovative features in Firefox. This release adds support for more modern Web technologies that make it easier for developers to build amazing Firefox Add-ons, Web applications and websites.

Firefox for Android includes the Do Not Track privacy feature in this release, making Firefox the first browser to support Do Not Track on multiple platforms. Mozilla created Do Not Track to give users more control over the way their browsing behavior is tracked and used on the Web. The feature, which lets users tell websites that they wish to opt-out of online behavioral tracking, is now easier to find in Firefox Preferences.

The following are some improvements in the Firefox 5:
  • Added support for CSS animations
  • The Do-Not-Track header preference has been moved to increase discoverability
  • Tuned HTTP idle connection logic for increased performance
  • Improved canvas, JavaScript, memory, and networking performance
  • Improved standards support for HTML5, XHR, MathML, SMIL, and canvas
  • Improved spell checking for some locales
  • Improved desktop environment integration for Linux users
  • WebGL content can no longer load cross-domain textures
  • Background tabs have setTimeout and setInterval clamped to 1000ms to improve performance
  • Fixed several stability issues
  • Fixed several security issues

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